A place for I-Man fan fiction. If you would like to see your fan fic up here then email it to me and I'll put it up as soon as I can.

Last Moments
Author: Claire Keeply
Rating: PG
Category: Drama
Spoilers: It's a Small World
Description: Allianora's POV of her last twenty minutes of life.
Pairings: None
Other: None

Picking On Kevin
Author: Claire Keeply
Rating: G
Category: Humor
Spoilers: None
Description: Little Darien picking on Little Kevin.
Pairings: None
Other: None

Curiosity Grounded The Cat
Author: Claire Keeply
Rating: G
Category: Humor
Spoilers: None
Description: My 2nd kid fic: What happens when Darien messes around with Kevin's chem. set?
Pairings: None
Other: None

Caught - Marshal's POV
Author: Claire Keeply
Rating: R
Category: Drama/Action/Adventure
Spoilers: Most of the movie if you haven't seen it.
Description: Its Marshal's POV from the club all the way till he's caught.
Pairings: None
Other: This fic is for the movie The Learning Curve. Yeah I know its not I-man but oh well too bad, no where else to stick it right now.

Scared to be with you
Author: VvClaireKeeplyvV
Rating: I am going to say R from now on, cuz its just safer that way.
Category: Romance/Angst
Spoilers: None that I can think of....
Description: Takes place about a week after Darien and Claire had their fun on the docks. This is the first time Darien has come into the Keep for his shot.
Pairings: Claire/Darien
Other: This is my first Iman fic. I just started watching the show and being
Obsessed, its my friends fault. And I love her for it.
Thanks: To my Christopher. Thanks for making me take a chance on the show. Now we can live through all the stories I write.
Another Note: If you don't like my story or don't think its close enough to the show then bite me. Don't even bother telling me I suck cuz it will only make me write more and more out of text. Other than that... Enjoy.
